This week Mind Body and soul in partnership with MErseyside Police’s Community Engagement Unit and youth club teamed up to offer nine young people the chance to take part in a week-long work experience scheme at Merseyside Police.

On Day 1 students had four classes; Road traffic, Matrix, Firearms and Dog handlers. Speaking to the students at the end of the first day, all had a fantastic time and couldn’t wait for day 2. “I would like to thank the parents for getting all the participants ready on time” Ben.

Day 2 was a lot more relaxed and exciting considering the first day, according to the students. Most of the morning was spent in class learning about Code of Ethics in the police. Decision makings and how to gather information before making or taking decisions. They then learnt about handcuffing techniques and why they are used, getting the practical sense. The afternoon started off with Matrix – cutting doors to gain entry to stop evidence being destroyed. Students then went back to classroom for more mental work.

Getting an experience with Hydra – an aid to making appropriate decisions. We Concentrated on Stop and Search. The students were given a scenario with some Intel and they had to gather more information before decidingwhether to stop and search the person. Real Police work!!

Day 3 was a true psychological ladder. We kicked off with CSI – in the classroom just to get a clear understanding of what Crime Scene Investigation really entails. The students were then suited and booted, ready for their first assignment – burglary scene. Split into two groups, the students collected bags of evidence, more than expected of them.

The afternoon was more of the same gripping excitement, this time it was Detective work (Crime Investigation). The input was given by one of the very top – Detective Chief Inspector – Merseyside. She delivered a presentation which included real crimes committed in Liverpool. This kept everyone awake and anxious for more. All in all a great day in learning about the commitment and hard work involved in solving crimes and keeping us all safe.

Day 4 was all about being in the front line and patrolling the neighbourhood. 

The students learnt about being on the beat, responding to calls from control room and making arrests. It was a practical role play with different scenarios. Started in the classroom where they were taught about using the radio, call signs and booking suspects into custody. The scenarios included Drunken and Disorderly, Theft, Drugs dealing and pub brawl. It was good to see that the students remembered what they learnt earlier in the week, i.e. how to handcuff suspects, and putting it into practice. They all did brilliantly 

Fast forward to today, day 5 of 5, the peak of the week long expo with Merseyside police. “Every good thing must come to an end”, was the comment for PC Phil Cragg, said as we concluded the program. So after the many departments the students experienced earlier in the week, it was the Mounted police’s turn. It is not every day we get close to horses, so all the students brought out their phones to do the usual selfies and snap chatting. Even when the rain came down with vengeance, that didn’t dampen the spirit of the stable visit.

“That was wrapped up around 11am, and back on the bus we went and headed for the HQ to meet the Chief Constable. Little did the students know that they would be getting certificates for they week’s hard work too. Just imagine having to spend 30Mins with the head of Merseyside Police, awesome, if you asked me.” Ben

This was no doubt a fantastic week. We managed to achieve what we brainstormed about last year, we’ll it is the first step. If we want the institutions to change, this is probably the best way to do it, getting our young people involved in becoming a part of these institutions and climbing the ladder from the first step.

A big thanks to all the parents for consenting to their children taking part in the expo…..and of course a big round of applause to the youths too for being the pioneers of this potentially annual expo.

Stay blessed from MBS and all involved!


Read Merseyside Police Report

Video by: Merseyside Police

1 Review


Imroving resilience and self esteem in BAME youth

I would never have been attracted to work with the police due to some history I have heard about black youth being handled. Thanks to MBS for giving me this opportunity. I have always kept isolated and to myself. I found new friends and started to tryst the police. It also taught me new coping mechanisms when feeling bullied

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Mind Body and Soul
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 10 reviews
 by Rose Katana
Youth Project with Merseyside Police

This was a wonderful experience for our young people. We are very grateful to the police services for providing this opportunity to the young people. I am sure it gave them motivation to get to the next stage. Many thanks to the organisers, keep up the good work.

 by Gabriella Kavuma
Youth Work Experience

This was a really great experience where I learnt alot about the different aspects of policing. Very informative, interactive and engaging.

 by Enock Kiyaga
Life Changing Experience

Excellent idea and well executed by Mind Body and Soul. I am certain, life for our young people who took part will never be the same. This practically goes a long way in closing the gap for inequalities in BAME. Long live BMS🙏

 by Josephine

It was one of the best thing I have done in my life so far I have learnt so much from this experience and I wouldn’t mind doing it again.

 by Aaliyah N
An eye opening experience

It really opened my eyes to how many departments there are within the police and how they all work together. I’d do it again

 by Sarah K Kavuma
Youth Work Experience

Great experience for my children. It opened them to career opportunities available within the police. I hope many more children would have a similar experience.

 by Sarah K Kavuma
Youth Work Experience

Both my son and Daughter had a great experience during this week. They spoke highly of their experience and said it opened their eyes to the various career opportunities available in the police force. Great great experience, I hope more children can have the chance to have this opportunity.

 by Christine jones

What an amazing opportunity for the young Bame community.!!! What an excellent experience to gain insight into the police and an excellent way of open career opportunities for our young stars. Thank you so much

 by Suzan Kitatta
MBS for mental health in BAME UK

Your organisation worked with mu sister after she suffered anxiety during covid crisis. Thanks musawo Justina for having a listening ear and being confidential. Your a pillar to the BAME community in Liverpool.

 by Charles
Youth work experience

You have set the tone! Thank you for the great work