The last day of the October seminar came to pass yesterday. A trip to Manchester it was, to one of the most natural and relaxing environments – The Grassroot Garden. The weather was gloomy and damp, but as soon as the children arrived at the garden, all that changed. A quick snack at arrival just to get everyone in the mood for a tour of the 1 acre long garden. First it was the two green houses, full of all the different vegetables we normally just see in the kitchen and the dinner table. 

Then came the orchard tour, with ripe and ready apples and pears. Every single one of the children and volunteers alike had a bite of the apple fruit. 
At this stage everyone was still wrapped up in their thick winter coats. The garden soon turned into a football pitch and a run around park… by one the coats came off, even, I myself was sweating after just a few minutes of footie run around. By the time lunch came no one wanted to leave the orchard, however the flavour of the food soon drove us all back in.
The lunch was as fulfilling as the environment itself. After lunch it was back out again for more shoulder rub with nature, although it wasn’t long before our time was up and headed to the bus and back to Liverpool.
Thank you to Rose and Grassroot Gardens, a big thanks to all the volunteers for their time. Of course we couldn’t have done all this without you the parents, so thank you all very much. 
We look forward to more of the same next year…..not to be missed. 
God bless

0 Reviews


  1. Amazing work this year attracting over 4 countries. We have young people from Zimbabwe, South Africa, Malawi, Kenya and Uganda.

  2. Thank you MBS for bringing our community together. This is a very important for us parents and children. Mental health awareness is vital for our community

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